Sleep Walk - El Vado, 70%
Top American Dark Chocolate 2023
International Chocolate Awards - Bronze
Sleep Walk is a culmination of shared experiences and ideas from our eccentric global perspective. They believe the world beyond ours is connected through people and nature, and their creations together. The vibration, color, warmth, and energy of these realms are celebrated through this journey. As students of an ever-evolving craft, Sleep Walkers bring you the most intellectually honest chocolate they can deliver.
Product Details
- Weight: 1.2oz (34g) per bar
- 70% cocoa
- 30% sugar
- Diet: Vegan
Featured Chocolate: El Vado
Sleep Walk Chocolateria sources this cacao from a community of 20-35 small farmers surrounding Tuzantán, Chiapas. The community is located near a ford or "Vado" in Spanish, giving this group of producers their name.
Sustainable Farming
In this region, producers also grow beans, papaya, pumpkins, and some even grow coffee, to have a variety of seasonal crops to harvest throughout the year. This diverse approach supports sustainable farming practices and helps maintain a stable income for the local community.
Experience the rich flavors and global connections in every bite of Sleep Walk chocolate.
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