Sleep Walk - Picante Cinnamon & Cayenne, 70%
Top American Dark Chocolate with Inclusions 2023
International Chocolate Awards - Silver
Sleep Walk brings together ideas and experiences from around the world, creating chocolate that connects people and nature. Their work celebrates the colors, warmth, and energy they find in their travels. As constant learners of their craft, they focus on making the most honest chocolate they can.
Each bar weighs 1.2 ounces, made with a straightforward mix of 70% cocoa and 30% sugar. All bars are vegan, keeping things simple and pure.
This bar takes Sleep Walk's popular Barra de la Casa to new heights with a spicy twist. Using the same carefully selected blend of Southern Mexican cacaos, they add cinnamon and cayenne to create something bold and exciting. The cinnamon brings warm, familiar baking spice notes, while the cayenne adds a heat that builds with each bite.
Tasting Notes: Dried Chile, Cinnamon, Raisin
A warming blend of chocolate and spice that awakens the senses.
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