Naive - Cola 65%
"Chocolate and coke aren't an obvious combination: fusing their flavors requires real skill. We mastered it by first recreating Dr. John Pemberton's original 1886 coke recipe - not an easy task as it contains real cola nut, three types of cinnamon, as well as neroli, coriander and other all-natural ingredients - and then, just to complicate matters further, blending it with specialty dark chocolate while keeping the fuzz. It's a complex recipe yet it sure knows its way around a tongue. An iconic taste that's surprisingly different! " - Domantas Uzpalis, chocolatier.
About Naive's Equator collection
The concept of the Equator collection is to use ingredients that come from a single ecosystem. Because an ecosystem's minerals, water, and soil give life to its plants, the living things that thrive together inherently taste good together. Every chocolate bar from this collection is solely composed of ingredients grown in the area of the region of the earth surrounding the equator with bright and intense flavors symbiotically blended into the house-made tropical chocolate.
Naive's Coke chocolate recipe fits perfectly with the Equator collection but they found it difficult to calibrate it as it contains such an overwhelming amount of natural ingredients. They had to reinvent the Coke flavor as a non-liquid, chocolate dominant taste - but the result is both classy and innovative. Hopefully our eaters are up for the challenge too!
The chocolate is made in-house with organic specialty cacao, which is mixed in certain proportions to form a clean, rich and flavorful base. The blend formulation is classified, but we can assure you it is top quality and fits perfectly with Chocolate Naive standards and values.
Flavor notes
There's a mixture of citrusy, tropical flavors followed by a slight bitterness and burnt caramel aftertaste.
Pairing suggestions
As name suggested, it's best tried with a glass of coke. Let us know if you like the combination.
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