Naive - Durian 61%
"Cheese pretending it's a fruit, telling lies is not so cute. Under spikes old Stilton hides, bring your sneaky stink outside. You knock snouts from way afar, we'll accept you as you are. Jungle King with unwashed socks?! Same no more, as this taste rocks! Plug your nose and you will see, this duet is meant to be. " - Domantas Uzpalis, chocolatier.
About Naive's Equator collection
The concept of the Equator collection is to use ingredients that come from a single ecosystem. Because an ecosystem's minerals, water, and soil give life to its plants, the living things that thrive together inherently taste good together. Every chocolate bar from this collection is solely composed of ingredients grown in the area of the region of the earth surrounding the equator with bright and intense flavors symbiotically blended into the house-made tropical chocolate.
Yes, the fruit may be difficult to handle, bearing likeness to some sort of medieval weapon. But once you get down to the pale yellow, creamy flesh, you'll get to experience overtones of hazelnut, apricot, caramelized banana and egg custard. Words will fail you: there's just no other flavour like it. You will either be overcome, or seduces by its powerful, declarative presence, or reject it outright. And run screaming.
The chocolate is made in-house with organic specialty cacao, which is mixed in certain proportions to form a clean, rich and flavorful base. The blend formulation is classified, but we can assure you it is top quality and fits perfectly with Chocolate Naive standards and values.
Flavor notes
Unique flavour combination with strong and piquant tasting notes.
Pairing suggestions
One flavour known to go well with durian is coffee. try pairing this durian chocolate bar with lightly roasted nutty coffees or medium-bodies coffees that incorporate rich, earthy, smoky notes.
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