Naive - Ambrosia 67%
"Our biodynamic apiary is found next to the forest where the bees gather their exquisite nectar. Due to its unique location, the honey and pollen are dark amber in colour and thick with notes of the mossy earth and her flavours. These notes create an unusual alchemy with chocolate. The intricate process of combining honey with chocolate puts this recipe among the most technologically sophisticates recipes around. A, most importantly, it represents the terroir I come from." - Domantas Uzpalis, chocolatier.
About Naive's Forager collection
The Forager collection is madly experimental and multilayered. At first, we deconstruct all ingredients and then combine them back to form one-of-a-kind chocolate bars with "patented" flavors. With this collection, we have created a new way of introducing flavors into the chocolate by using locally sourced and intense ingredients refined into chocolate bars for them to naturally extend the complex chemical flavour composition of cacao.
Ambrosia is a lacto-fermented enzymatically-activated superfood, alchemically created by bees. Bee slaiva inoculates the pollen with a broad range of natural probiotic bacteria and yeast, creating this nutrien powerhouse rich in vitamin K, minerals, antioxidants and various photoactive substances providing these in the most bioavailable form.
The chocolate is made in-house with organic specialty cacao, which is mixed in certain proportions to form a clean, rich and flavorful base. The blend formulation is classified, but we can assure you it is top quality and fits perfectly with Chocolate Naive standards and values.
Flavor notes
The chocolate taste varies according to the type of flower the pollen it came from and it's like nothing you've ever eaten before. Ambrosia bar is a culinary experience that combines the depth of woody forest flavours with the floral acidity of lively meadows.
Pairing suggestions
Smoked sausage or Parmigiano_reggiano and other aged cheese, such as sharp cheddar, go great with this chocolate bar. You can also experiment by pairing it with Emmental, but be sure to accompany it with strong and sweet Dubbel style beer served at room temperature.
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