Meybol Cacao - Solo Kakao 80%
Flavour profile: Hardly bitter, has notes of nuts, coffee, caramel, fruity and very floral aromas. Chuncho is a sensory revelation due to its fascinating aroma and flavor profile, low bitterness and incredible creaminess. Almost no bitterness, nutty notes, coffee, caramel, fruity and floral aromas.
Experience the unique taste of low-sugar Tree-to-Bar chocolate crafted from 80% original cocoa Chuncho, sourced from a Single Plantation. Meybol's commitment to purity ensures that their chocolate contains only the finest cocoa.
Chuncho Cacao wakes up the senses with its nuanced aroma, rich flavor profile, minimal bitterness, and creaminess. It is a sophisticated treat full of nutty nuances and fruity hints. Solo Cocoa Chocolate unveils a myriad of flavors distinct from conventional chocolate.
Maybol's chocolate is made of 80% fine Chuncho cocoa, cultivated naturally in the highlands of Peru, and harvested from a single plantation. "Chuncho" represents one of the world's most exceptional and scarce cocoa bean varieties.
Maybol oversees the entire manufacturing process, ensuring full transparency and eliminating middlemen through Direct Trade. It's a journey from tree to bar. Savor the essence of each cocoa bean in every bite of our chocolate. It's the hallmark of Meybol's Single Plantation chocolates. These exquisite cocoa beans are cultivated exclusively on one of our plantations in VRAEM. Meybol personally guides her farmers through every step, from harvesting to fermentation, ensuring the creation of outstanding chocolate just for you.
With its high cocoa content and minimal additional ingredients, Meybol's chocolate magnifies the delightful effects of cocoa. Rich in serotonin, the body's natural happiness hormone, cocoa has the power to bring a smile to your face with every bite.
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