Meybol Cacao - Ailla 65%
Introducing Ailla Chocolate - Crafted from 65% Fine Cocoa Chuncho, sourced from rare cocoa trees. In the ancient tongue of the Incas, "Ailla" signifies home. Maybol's Ailla chocolate is a testament to this sentiment, crafted carefully from one of the globe's most esteemed cocoa varieties. It boasts a rich composition of 65% fine cocoa derived from the revered Chuncho beans, cultivated amidst the secluded Andean valleys of Peru's VRAEM region.
Committed to Social Justice and Sustainable Practices. In the language of the Incas, "Ailla" translates to "Earth." Meybol's chocolate, composed of 65% fine cocoa from the distinguished Chuncho lineage, is naturally nurtured in the lofty terrains of Peru's VRAEM region. These beans epitomize excellence, offering a captivating aroma profile and exceptionally low acidity, making them one of the world's most coveted and scarce cocoa varieties.
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