Goodnow Farms - Boyaca, Colombia 73%
Top Micro-Batch – Plain/Origin Dark Chocolate Bars 2024
International Chocolate Awards - Bronze
This exceptional chocolate bar celebrates the rich flavors of cacao sourced from San Pablo de Borbur, a town in the Boyaca region of Colombia. Historically known for cultivating coca, the area has transitioned to growing cacao, a crop that provides greater security and prosperity for local farmers. This shift has been supported by the efforts of Impulsa Bacao, an organization that invested in a state-of-the-art fermentation and drying facility in the region, ensuring the highest standards for cacao quality.
Impulsa Bacao works closely with the local farmers to select fine flavor cacao, offering prices above the local market rate and overseeing the entire fermentation and drying process in their facility. These strict, carefully monitored protocols help maintain consistency and superior quality across every batch.
Goodnow Farm was the first chocolate maker to craft chocolate using Impulsa Bacao’s beans, and the partnership has been crucial in refining the fermentation process. During their visit, Goodnow’s team met with the farmers and worked directly with Anyi Torres and William Bonilla, the managers of the operations, to provide feedback on test batches. The result is a rich, nuanced chocolate bar that reflects the dedication and hard work of everyone involved in its creation.
Crafted with freshly pressed Boyaca cocoa butter, this bar delivers an intense, single-origin flavor and an unmatched smoothness. As one of the few chocolate makers in the country to press its own cocoa butter, Goodnow Farm ensures that each bite delivers the purest and most refined chocolate experience.
To learn more about the journey to San Pablo de Borbur and the farmers behind this remarkable cacao, visit our Boyaca page. For further details on our approach to fine flavor cacao, direct sourcing, and our chocolate-making process, explore our Fine Cacao, Our Chocolate, and Our Process pages.
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