Friis-Holm - Herslev Malt Caramel
Friis-Holm, known for its dedication to fine chocolate craftsmanship, has teamed up with its neighbor, Herslev Brewery, to create something truly special. When Herslev crafted a beer using Friis-Holm’s chocolate, it sparked the inspiration for a unique collection of chocolates, each infused with the essence of Herslev's products.
These chocolates are not made with beer, but they take their flavor cues from four of Herslev’s standout brews. Perfect for pairing with a cold beer, these artisanal chocolates promise a unique tasting experience.
- Purple: A decadent malt caramel enrobed in dark chocolate, inspired by Herslev’s malty creations.
- Blue: A star anise caramel, drawing from the rich complexity of Herslev's Stjernebryg beer.
- Red: A crunchy chestnut blend, taking inspiration from Kastanje Brown Ale.
- Gold: A ginger ganache, echoing the bright, spicy flavors of Herslev’s Ingefærbrus (ginger soda).
This collection is a tribute to both Friis-Holm’s chocolate expertise and Herslev’s brewing artistry. It’s the perfect indulgence for those who appreciate the pairing of handcrafted chocolates with a fine brew.
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