Friis-Holm - Madagascar Slow Dried, 64%
World's Top European Dark Chocolate 2024
International Chocolate Awards, Worlds Competition 2024 -Bronze
Cacao beans from the Bejofo Estate in Madagascar, a renowned estate known for its world-famous cacao, are used for this chocolate. After fermentation, the beans are sun-dried for 2 hours on the first day, 4 hours on the second day, and 6 hours on the third day. From then onwards, they dry for 8 hours per day.
Friis-Holm calls this "Slow Dried" because it takes much longer than our Madagascar 64% Fast Dried chocolate, where the beans dry for 8 hours per day from the start. The difference in drying time results in a completely different flavor profile, though both chocolates have clear and straightforward tasting notes.
Our Madagascar 64% Slow Dried is a bit more complex than our Fast Dried version, with notes of raspberry.
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