Feliu Chocolate -Hot Chocolate Milk Vanilla 57%
Recipe Idea – Feliu Hot Chocolate Drink
Discover the unique attributes of our chocolates in your recipes. Each variety offers a distinctive flavor profile that can be tailored to suit your personal preferences or the tastes of your customers.
- Feliu Soconusco chocolate
- Milk (or your preferred milk alternative)
- Optional: Sweetener (sugar, honey, or syrup)
Serving Sizes:
- 240 mL (8oz): Use 25g of chocolate
- 300 mL (10oz): Use 32g of chocolate
- 360 mL (12oz): Use 40g of chocolate
- 480 mL (16oz): Use 48g of chocolate
- Heat the milk in a small saucepan over medium heat until hot but not boiling.
- Add the chocolate to the milk and stir until fully dissolved.
- Taste and adjust sweetness to your liking.
- Pour into your favorite mug and enjoy!
For a richer experience, adjust the amount of chocolate to your desired strength. This versatile recipe can be customized for different serving sizes, from a small treat to a larger indulgence.
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