Argencove - Cocibolca, 70%
International Chocolate Awards - Silver
Argencove has crafted a chocolate bar that captures the essence of Nicaragua's natural landscape, drawing inspiration from the legendary Cocibolca Lake.
What's Inside
This single-origin chocolate offers a complex flavor journey:
- Texture: Remarkably smooth
Taste Notes:
- Warm cardamom
- Deep Turkish coffee
- Sweet cherry
- Rich brown sugar
- Finish: Gentle tobacco undertones
The Nicaraguan Connection
Sourced and produced entirely in Nicaragua, the chocolate bar pays homage to Cocibolca Lake—a massive freshwater body that Spanish explorers once mistook for a sea. Located near Granada, this lake is home to the rare freshwater sharks that symbolize the region's unique ecosystem.
The Local Story
Argencove's commitment to local production shines through in this chocolate. By using beans from their own Nicaraguan farm and processing them in their local factory, they've created more than just a chocolate bar—they've bottled the spirit of a place.
Origin: Nicaragua
Single-Origin | Small Batch | Locally Produced
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