Argencove - Banana, Cinnamon & Cloves, 70%
Top Latin American Flavored Dark Chocolate 2024
International Chocolate Awards - Silver
This chocolate bar combines the rich taste of dark chocolate with warm, comforting flavors for a unique tasting experience.
Key Features
- Cacao Percentage: 70%
- Origin: Single-origin (specific origin not mentioned)
- Production Method: Handcrafted
Flavor Profile
This bar offers a balanced blend of chocolate and added flavors:
- Rich dark chocolate base
- Warm banana notes
- Spicy hints of cinnamon
- Subtle touch of clove
Argencove, we carefully craft each bar to ensure a perfect balance between the dark chocolate and the added flavors. They've combined the depth of 70% cacao with the warmth of banana and spices to create a chocolate that's both familiar and exciting.
This bar is ideal for those who enjoy dark chocolate but are looking for something a little different, with its comforting blend of fruit and spice flavors.
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